Bring back Kreols

Dear Simba,

In the late 80's there used to be a Simba chip by the name of KREOLS. They looked like a nik-nak, and had a unique delicious prawny taste.

We would like you to please re-introduce, even if only for a limited time, these onto the shelves in their original packaging so that people who enjoyed them in those days, as well as new generations can re-experience the great Kreols taste.

Kind Regards,

The General Public.
Dear Simba,

In the late 80's there used to be a Simba chip by the name of KREOLS. They looked like a nik-nak, and had a unique delicious prawny taste.

We would like you to please re-introduce, even if only for a limited time, these onto the shelves in their original packaging so that people who enjoyed them in those days, as well as new generations can re-experience the great Kreols taste.

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