Queremos un NO KILL Shelter en Puerto Rico

The daily animal abuse currently taking place in Puerto Rico is out of control. We urgently need a sterilizing campaign and a NO KILL shelter, to rescued & homeless dogs with the basic care they need, and a chance for a better life and home filled with love. Please help us accomplish this by signing the petition and sharing with friends & family. The way we treat the animals is a reflection of our society. We WANT a NO KILL shelter in Puerto Rico, and we WANT IT NOW!

Dear Carmen Yulin,

We know you are an animal lover, therefore we are approaching you in an urgent manner. We all agree we have never seen this amount of animal cruelty in Puerto Rico. The stories are infinite, and to sad to even repeat them. The San Juan shelter, located in ave. Kennedy, has space to shelter dogs, but is not being used because of lack of vaccines, lack of management, and overall lack of care. It is no secret that this shelter has been a controversial subject in the past, and we firmly believe that animals should NOT suffer the consequences from government transitions, lack of municipal funds for whatever reason (will not dig into Political issues). We are talking about lives, who need food, water & shelter, nothing else...if you give them a little bit of love, that's enough for them.

We propose the following. We propose you let a Non-profit organization run the San Juan shelter. Why? Because we take an economic pressure off the government, we have animal lovers running the shelter, we can get vaccines from different distributors without depending from the company who has won the auction. Also, we can accept donations, raise funds on our own, and have once and for all a NO KILL shelter in Puerto Rico.
The shelter in Guaynabo and Ponce are excellent examples of how they run solely in what they make on sterilizations, vaccines, adoptions, donations, etc. Have you seen their state of income? Around $2 million dollars a year!

The San Juan shelter currently euthanizes 500 animals per month. Most of them don't even get a chance for adoption. In the US (using this only as reference not as political inclination) every state has a NO kill shelter were families adopt a pet when they feel ready to have one. In Puerto Rico, they open the classified section of the newspaper and look to buy a "breed dog"

Imagine Carmen Yulin gets to be part of this amazing group who established the first and ONLY NO KILL shelter in Puerto Rico, and NOT because of the political party you belong to, but because of your passion for animals, and because cruelty should not be accepted in any way.

We can change this, and we want to change this! Let’s sit down and talk about the next steps. You have over 200 animal rescuers and countless pro-animal groups who daily rescue, foster, post news, and are willing to make this happen. Please help us. Yes?
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