These Fruit Puree Products Are Poisoning Children with Extreme Amounts of Lead

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
WanaBana is a company that sells cutesy little pouches of applesauce and fruit puree, specifically intended for children. Their pouches sometimes feature charming drawings of fruit and spices coming alive, with stick-figure arms and big silly eyes.

But the marketing so far has excluded one big detail - that several of WanaBana's fruit puree products for kiddos contain extremely high amounts of lead.

Sign the petition to demand justice for children poisoned with lead!

Recent laboratory reports show that the products - which are, again, marketed for consumption by children! - have up to 2,000 times the international safety limit for lead. Of course, no amount of lead is truly safe for children, so any amount is dangerous. But this isn't just any amount. It's a shocking, egregious level.

Lead is extremely dangerous for all people, but especially children. Exposure can cause severe damage to children's brains, nervous systems, growth and development, cognitive and learning abilities, and behavioral problems.

Now, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is investigating more than 69 instances of lead poisoning in children, all originating with these puree pouches.

WanaBana has since issued a recall for several of its products, acknowledging the contamination. It is offering parents up to $150 as compensation for blood testing and medical visits in cases of lead poisoning - but that's hardly enough!

Even worse, the FDA still doesn't technically regulate levels of lead in most foods! In January 2023, it finally proposed setting limits on the amounts of lead in processed baby foods, but those still aren't finalized and ultimately won't go into effect for years.

Sign the petition to demand the FDA finally and immediately set strict limits on lead levels in food! There is no circumstance in which it can be okay to let food producers poison us or our children with lead toxicity.
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