Tell eBay: NO MORE Sellers of New FUR from Asia!!

  • av: Fur is NOT Fashion Foundation
  • mottagare: Mike Carson, Sr Manager, Global Policy and Regulatory Mgmt at eBay. and CEO John Donahoe,

My simple Search on eBay found over 75,600 NEW FUR items in ONE day.  Yes, that is correct: Over 75 THOUSAND items offered in new furs, for sale on eBay pages, ALL made of new real GENUINE FUR, not faux.

The majority of this inventory comes from CHINA and KOREA. (But let's not forget Canada's contributions of seal and fox)

Both KOREA and CHINA have been continually petitioned to stop their grossly inhumane methods of fur harvesting: Breeding critters for their fur alone, stealing cats and dogs from streets, and shelters, and even owners' yards!                 

Then selling their fur labeled as fox or rabbit!

*Crowding caught companion animals and others: terrified and starving, together into cages full to the brim,

*Anal electrcution (sorry) is common practice to keep the fur nice.

*And then skinning while many are still alive and conscious, ad nauseum.

EVERY single day MILLIONS of animals in Asia are enduring prolonged suffering and excrutiating deaths all because of the demand for inexpensive fur, which eBay PROVIDES with an easy Search!

I have deleted my Watch List and Search List in protest, and hope you will do the same.  It's TIME to join the voices that have been pleading w/ eBay to STOP ALLOWING and ENCOURAGING Sellers that trade in this most hideous side of the clothing market (on the backs of these animals who have NO voice but ours), to advertise on their pages.

Remember, eBay makes a profit from every sale.

If eBay stops this, a HUGE revenue of the "new fur" trade would be halted.

PLEASE!  Let's get this moving NOW!

To be drafted...near petition end date.

Uppdatera #310 år sedan
Please, if you have added friends and family since my last update, ask them to sign and share, Pleading with eBay to stop trading in "new fur",

So far we have over 1,600 signers, but we feel that because of the revenue Ebay makes fm every sale, that this petition NEEDS at least 5,000 signers total.

Let's stand together to help in stopping "new fur" brokers fm getting ANY of our money! Saving the lives of miillions of our "best friends" on earth !

Thank you!!
Uppdatera #210 år sedan
This petition needs more signers, as eBay is such a large enterprise, they will only listen to numbers. PLEASE Share this with your friends and families NOW! Thanks to all of you for your support! And please boycott eBay as their pocketbook is how to get their attention. This is MUCH too important and must stop ASAP! Please Share. Peace to all.
Uppdatera #111 år sedan
This petition has virtually disappeared from the Petitionsite radar. Let's get it up front again! Please Share this with your Friends and families. Thanks for caring Blessings to you all.
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