Ban Fox Shooting in the UK!

A London fox shooter plans to put a damper on the holiday season by shooting the city's foxes after Christmas celebrations. So far, the shooter has killed thousands of of foxes over his 30 year career.

Foxes roam London's streets to search for food in trash cans. Christmas is a particularly attractive time for the creatures, as trash cans overflow with food waste from holiday festivities.

It is legal to kill foxes in the UK, provided that the shooter has a firearms license. Though some complain about the presence of foxes around their properties, culling is not an effective means of control. In addition to being inhumane, it is useless. According to the Borough of Kensington and Chelsea website, "[T]he territory of a culled fox will be quickly re-occupied by another fox."

Please sign the petition to urge the UK government to ban the senseless and cruel practice of fox shooting!

I am concerned that a London fox shooter plans to put a damper on the holiday season by shooting the city's foxes after Christmas celebrations. So far, the shooter has killed thousands of of foxes over his 30 year career.

Foxes roam London's streets to search for food in trash cans. Christmas is a particularly attractive time for the creatures, as trash cans overflow with food waste from holiday festivities.

It is legal to kill foxes in the UK, provided that the shooter has a firearms license. Though some complain about the presence of foxes around their properties, culling is not an effective means of control. In addition to being inhumane, it is useless. According to the Borough of Kensington and Chelsea website, "[T]he territory of a culled fox will be quickly re-occupied by another fox."

I respectfully urge you to ban the senseless and cruel practice of fox shooting. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this petition.

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