End Puppy Mills in Your State For Good!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: State Representatives and Governors

Animal rights activists have a new reason to celebrate after news that Maryland has become the second state in the nation to ban the sale of puppies and kittens in pet stores. The Maryland law — like the one in California that passed last year — is an encouraging move towards ending puppy mills and pet overpopulation.  

Last week, the state passed HB 1662 a bill that prohibits pet stores from selling puppies, kittens, and rabbits from commercial breeders. These breeders, commonly referred to as "mills" because they force animals to continuously produce more and more young to feed the pet trade — are considered cruel and often keep their animals in horrific conditions.

Pet mills create a vicious circle by pumping more and more animals out into the market. Many of which end up in shelters and being euthanized. But, starting in 2020, pet stores will only be able to sell rescue dogs and cats, meaning that more animals that were facing euthanasia will have the chance to find a second forever home.

More than 230 cities and counties in the U.S. already have banned pet mill animals from pet stores, but only Maryland and California have made it official statewide.  

We need to harness this momentum and encourage other states to do the same and bring an end to this inhumane industry. Please take a moment to sign and take a stand against pet mills and ask the other 48 states to pass laws banning the sale of commercially bred pets in pet stores.

Together, we can end pet mills in America for good.

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