Justice for Blackie, Dog Whose Leg Was Chopped Off!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Wayne County Prosecutors' Office
Charles Wofford couldn't afford to pay for the surgery his dog desperately needed. So he thought he would improvise and do it himself.

In a shocking case of animal cruelty, the Michigan man admitted to applying tooth numbing gel to his dog's leg and then amputating it.

After his dog Blackie's leg got gangrene, he took it to the vet to have it looked at. When the vet told him how much it would cost he took Blackie home, he grabbed a pair of gardening shears and a knife and hacked away at its leg until it was severed.

When rescuers heard about Wofford's case they quickly stepped in to seize the animal before he could do any more damage.

As for Charles, he has yet to be arrested or charged. What are officials waiting for?

Sign the petition and ask Wayne County prosecutors to charge Mr. Wofford with felony animal abuse and make sure he is punished for this disgusting act of abuse.
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