Coco the Pug Was Killed During a Break In!

Coco was an adorable 8-month-old pug living with her family in Australia when a tragedy occurred. Coco's parents were away for the weekend when someone broke into the house and didn't wake the pet sitter, but did throw Coco over a fence to her death. The perpetrator has been charged with animal cruelty but it's critical that he gets the harshest sentence possible!

Will you sign this petition asking Australian Authorities to charge the abuser to the fullest extent of the law?

Coco was a beautiful and happy dog, her family said she would run to meet you at the door every time. So it's likely that Coco didn't realize this was a break in and just went to meet the man at the door. He didn't want to get caught so he decided to murder her by throwing her tiny body over the fence. It's believed Coco died upon impact, so at least she didn't suffer. The neighbors found Coco's lifeless body the next morning. 

The abuser also attacked an elderly woman in a park. This a person who has no respect for life in any form and we can't take that lightly since we know animal abuse and human abuse are linked. Coco's parents were even expecting their first child, a baby that Coco will never get to meet. 

Please sign on to ask Australian authorities to charge the abuser as much as possible!
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