dog shot once in the chest, once in the head in Seymour, In., Jackson County, In.

  • av: lisa cornell
  • mottagare: Sheriff's Dept. in Jackson County In.

to put an end to the slaughter, torture and abuse of dogs and to hold accountable, to the highest punishment available, to the filth that did this.

This happened Sunday evening, Oct. 30 2016 in Seymour, In., Jackson County. "Hotchi" was taken into the woods, tied to a tree, shot once in the chest, and as he was screaming in pain he was fatally shot in the head. WHY you ask, as did I, what did this beautiful creature do to deserve this, we'll never really know, but, what I do know with your help we can get "Justice for Hotchi!" The person that took this picture is someone I know very well, an animal lover, someone that cares. He even cared enough on Sun. afternoon when "Hotchi" got loose, he helped the owners of this dog catch him, never knowing this would be his last day on Earth, or things would have been very different. Later into the evening shots rang out, this person watched as the killers walked out of the woods, 2 adult men, one male teenager, guns in hand, dog leash around their neck, he knew what had happened, you know that gut feeling you get, the one where you just know what had happened. He waited till after dark, into the woods he went to find this innocent beauty dead for no reason. Police were called, deputy showed up and said, can't do anything here, it's legal in Indiana to shoot your own dog, they offered to take him to the dog, his comment, "Oh, no now let's not be doin all this!" That was it, he went on about his business. Today Jackson County Animal Control was called so at least "Hotchi" could be buried, nope they won't come out that far. So here we are on Mon. night "Hotchi" still where he died, tied and leaning against the tree in the woods. The people that took the picture wanted to bury him but are afraid to go into the woods for fear of being shot, I don't blame them. So, here I am, asking for "Justice for Hotchi" so I beg you, PLEASE hit the share button and get this far and wide. Call the Sheriff's Dept. in Jackson County, In. ask them what they're going to do about this, call the Jackson County In. Animal Control office to inquire why they aren't doing there job, this is the evil that lives among us and enough is enough is enough.

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