Ask McDonalds and Burger King to start selling vegan burgers

Animal welfare and animal abuse are very known in these days.
We will not support farmers who abuse their animals.
Sign this petition and we will ask Burger King to sell vegan burgers as fast food.
Maybe more people will go vegan.

Uppdatera #410 år sedan
I will send them the petition when we reach 2 000 signers. Please tell them to start selling vegan burgers with these emails and contact forms:
Uppdatera #310 år sedan
we have over 500 signatures!!!
Thank you so much!

We cant stop now, we need more. Please spread the petition and maybe we will get vegan "burger".

Have a nice day to all of you.

Did you thought vegan burgers only was for vegan? Everyone can eat it and much healthier than a normal buger (full of fat, bones and tendons). Just as you know it :D
Uppdatera #210 år sedan
Just sent a message to Mc Donalds Norway. They would release a vegan meal in the near future.
We want more of the big food companies to sell vegan food.
Thank you for signing. Thank you for sharing.
Enought people can change few good things in life.
Have a nice day! 😃
Uppdatera #110 år sedan
Thanks to everyone who have signed.
Please spread this petition and we will maybe get our goal.

It is very hard to see all the animal who are abused by the farmers, just for beein our food.
I will never support what they do, and I will never eat, wear, or use the animals.
Signera petitionen
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