They Bathed a Kitten in Windex and Dyed It Pink

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Multnomah County Deputy District Attorney Austin G. Buhl

A horrifying incident of animal cruelty in Portland, Oregon has shocked the community. A tiny kitten was dyed pink, then bathed in Windex and rubbing alcohol, causing hypothermia and shock. This disturbing case highlights a trend where acts of animal cruelty may intersect with untreated mental health issues.

Sign this petition to urge the Oregon judicial system and animal welfare authorities to implement mandatory mental health counseling for individuals convicted of animal abuse, especially in instances indicating mental health concerns.

Thankfully the kitten fortunately survived after treatment, and is now in safe care. 

In this case, the use of dangerous chemicals on a pet indicates a possible lack of understanding about the harm these substances can cause. Implementing mandatory mental health counseling for animal abuse cases like this can play a crucial role in rehabilitation and prevention. Counseling could help address deeper issues behind such behavior, reducing the risk of future harm to animals and the community.

Sign the petition to demand the integration of mental health assessments and counseling into the legal process for animal cruelty cases in Oregon.

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