Save Tridaine Spring and Rochefort Trappist beer !

  • av: Victor Zaidi
  • mottagare: The City council of Rochefort and the Walloon Regional governement

Lhoist Industrie has applied for a permit to deepen its limestone quarry situated on the Gerny Plateau at a place known as “La Boverie” in Rochefort.

The first consequence of this project will be to dry up Tridaine, a naturally pure spring which supplies free water to the Abbey of Notre-Dame de Saint-Remy as well as to the city of Rochefort. Lhoist plans to use pumps to supply the city and the abbey with water. This however would certainly change the taste of the water and thus of Rochefort Trappist beer, produced by the abbey’s brewery and appreciated throughout the world.

Rochefort Trappist beer and thus hundreds of direct and indirect jobs connected to the brewery are threatened. Drying up the spring would also destroy the ecosystem which needs this spring water to develop and guarantee the development of the flora and the fauna. Help us save Tridaine Spring and Rochefort Trappist beer by signing this petition!

Dear goverments please help us to save  Tridaine Spring and Rochefort Trappist beer !!!!!

Uppdatera #211 år sedan
THANK YOU ALL already & Cheers to ALL beer-Lovers worldwide, enjoying small things in life & Remember : having a good beer with good friends is probably our greatest treasure ever
ONLY 200 signatures needed for 20.000 goal to Save the Belgian craft beer Rochefort
Please Share it or tweet it again . Live video report & update expected around 10/25/2013
Thank you so much &cheers
Uppdatera #111 år sedan
The Final 600
Thank So you very much for singing this petition , HELP me get the last 600 needed signatures to complete my 20.000, Cheers To You all for sharing and retweeting, pinning and Google+'ing it .

So a final effort from you all will bring me there , LOVE YOU ALL , Vic ,aka Captain Cheers .

Organising an International Craft beer festival next year september, Antwerp Belgium and Belgian Beerday worldwide in April 2014.
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