Kabibe was a 16-month old female Western Lowland Gorilla who was crushed to death by a closing hydraulic door on November 8. Our hearts go out to the Kabibe's family (notably her grandmother, Bawang who was rearing her) and the well-intentioned zoo staff who are certainly mourning.
However, we cannot afford to be this careless with these precious primates who are so close genetically to humans and are rightfully entitled to personhood status. The San Francisco Zoo has already been under fire for safety and habitat failures that led to the deaths of elephants in 2004, injury of a worker in 2006, and tragic death of a Siberian tiger and a zoo visitor that the tiger was allowed to attack in 2007. If zoos, like the SF Zoo cannot fully invest in the animals' and public's well being, the zoo should forfeit their right to have these animals. We owe animals more than making them attractions for profit.
What other safety gaps are there at SF Zoo that we don't know about and haven't been addressed? Take to Twitter (@tanyazoo, @sfzoo) and demand that Ms. Peterson (tanyap@sfzoo.org) learn from the San Diego and Dallas Zoos and do better for primates and the conservation of all animals. The dignity and safety of the zoo staff are also at stake. Urge Ms. Peterson not to settle for anything less than making SF Zoo a world-class example and leader in zoo safety which includes being fully accountable, apologetic, and outcomes-driven to improve safety and thriving. Until then, choose not to support this institution and spread awareness for Great Ape protection.
Do please support gorilla and great ape conservation programs like the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International (https://gorillafund.org/) and the International Gorilla Conservation Programme (http://igcp.org/). The Jane Goodall Institute also supports the preservation of Great Apes, including Gorillas (http://www.janegoodall.org/) For more on Great Ape Personhood: http://en.wikipedia.or/wiki/Great_ape_personhood Thank you.
@tanyazoo, @sfzoo
The SF Zoo has no business being in business. Its aging facilities and lack of sufficient funding continue to put staff and animal well being at risk. Take responsibility and find safe homes for these animals that deserve better rather than allow them to languish for profit or a city's philanthropic ego
Uppdatera #410 år sedan
Update #4 (March 13, 2015): SF Zoo Chimps Endangered, SF Zoo Accreditation in jeopardy
A recent million U.S. dollar philanthropic donation to the chimp enclosure is not enough to make the improvements needed nor to bring the rest of their aging facilities up to current zoological standards.
The SF Zoo's selfishness continues to put the well being of their staff and animals at risk.
Uppdatera #310 år sedan
Inadequate staffing and zookeepers' safety concerns ignored:
Uppdatera #210 år sedan
Update from Tanya Peterson, Director of SF Zoological Society. Acceptable? You decide:
Thank you for supporting this petition.
Uppdatera #110 år sedan
The SF Zoo knew and ignored dangers years before the death of Baby Kabibe-- Please see link to news story: http://abc7news.com/news/i-team-zoo-knew-dangers-years-before-baby-gorilla-died/396296/
This was a systems failure due to the culture at SF Zoo, not the fault of any one zookeeper. Please forward this petition to keep the pressure on the SF Zoo so they cannot blame the zookeeper and deflect attention from this issue. Thank you!