• av: Animal Protector
  • mottagare: Minister Mahen Seerattun; Hon Prime Minister Sir Anerood Jugnauth; President of Republic of Mauritius Bibi Ameenah Firdaus Gurib-Fakim;The Hon. Charles Gaëtan Xavier-Luc DUVAL G.C.S.K.,F.C.A., Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Tourism

MSAW previously under the name of MSPCA have long been an organization who have falsely preached about animal welfare in Mauritius. As far as many decades it has been known that they catch and kill dogs/cats pitilessly. They have no proper equipments, no proper animal care knowledge and also no animal lovers. The first fundamental base you need to set up and run an animal welfare organization is love for animals. MSAW have again and again been in the news for the wrong reasons. It is an organization where there is a can full of worms from top management to bottom dog catchers mentioning specially the veterinaries who do not adhere to their duties responsibly. We also find it condemning that the government has turned a blind eyes and ears to this urgent national issue despite many have cried foul over that for years now.
We, as a nation, as people who cares about animals, as people who would like to see a change for the better in the country's animal lives, demand that MSAW be destitute of its rights to run as an organization for animals welfare having failed to undertake their duties as required. Its date of expiry has long been due and it is time for a group with animal welfare in their mind to take over . Mauritius has to take responsibility for its animals now and bring it at a new level where we will be recognized as a positively developing country.
Mahatma Gandhi once said: “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
As the heads of this country we do hope the betterment of each and every citizen - humans and animals are being taken care of here.

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