This Country's Poised to Ban Animal Testing for Cosmetics

Animal advocates are applauding lawmakers in Canada for bringing the country closer to embracing cruelty-free beauty by moving forward with legislation that would ban animal testing for cosmetics.

The Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act (S-214) will amend the Food and Drugs Act to make it illegal to test cosmetics products or their ingredients on animals in Canada, and it will ban the sale of beauty products that have been newly tested on animals elsewhere in the world.

It was first introduced in 2015 by Sen. Carolyn Stewart Olsen, but didn't pass the Senate until last summer. Now, it's supporters are celebrating more progress with its introduction in House of Commons by Conservative Shadow Minister for Health, Marilyn Gladu.

If it's passed, Canada will become the 40th country in the world to ban animal testing for cosmetics.

Not only will doing so protect animals in labs from cruel, unnecessary, wasteful and outdated tests for personal care products and cosmetics, it will help keep Canada competitive in a global marketplace where more and more doors are closing to products that were tested on animals.

Around the world, dozens of countries have already banned this practice, while hundreds of companies have proven that they can make quality products without causing harm.

With valid alternatives and thousands of ingredients that have already been proven safe, there's no longer any reason to continue torturing animals for nothing more than our vanity.

Please sign and share this petition urging Canadian MPs to pass this historic piece of legislation before the next election.

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