Save the Superstition Mountain Wilderness/Sign below to STOP this destruciton!

    Gold Canyon Home Owners Alliance is the name of the Group representing the resistance against the AZ State Land Trust's decision to sell 11,700 acres of Pristine Desert between Peralta Trails Community and the Entra Del Oro community.
    AZ State Land Trust is requesting to change the Pinal County Comprehensive Plan from residential to "employment" which could allow for manufacturing, warehouses, commercial, power plants and who knows what. This would destroy the sensitive desert landscape, and there are desert plants that grow only in this area, and may be on the endangered list, its unique desert wild life, such as: Javelina herds, bob cats, mountain lions, deer, and many more. Also, so very import, are the Native American artifacts, keeping the dark skies, some of the most desirable hiking tails in AZ, approximately 15, such as: Hieroglyphic Canyon Trail, and so many others. This would destroy the beautiful Superstition Wilderness, that is for all of AZ and all who come from all over the world to view and experience. Money, greed, economic development should not be allowed to destroy what God has created, some things should NOT for sale! This is why our alliance was formed and we are dertermined to fight against the destruction of the sensitive habitat of the Superstition Wilderness. Join us, by signing the petition below
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