Stop Sales of Live Animal Key Chains!

  • av: Jessica
  • mottagare: Stop Chinese sellers from selling small animals as key chains
On the streets of China baby animals (Brazilian turtles, kingfish, and baby giant salamanders) are sold as key chains. They are sold in "nutrient rich" colored water that will supposedly keep them alive for months! This has to stop! They are living  animals, and animal welfare organizations say that the poor creatures will die of suffocation before the nutrients run out. 

needs to be stopped. China has no laws preventing this! If you think this is wrong, please sign the petition. Be the voice of those tiny animals that have none of their own.
We the Undersigned feel that the key chains sold on the streets of China need to stop. They are cruel and should not be allowed. They are subjecting the animals to unnecessary cruelty, and are giving the Chinese a bad reputation. Please stop this unfairness. 
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