Michael Jackson Not A Child Molester!

Just seeing how many people Say Michael Jackson Isn't a child molester!
Getting sick of people calling him a child Molester, pedophile ect.. so lets see who thinks Mr. Michael Jackson isn't a pedophile.
Hes Just a Human, like each and everyone of us!
Just because he had those charges don't mean crap!
So If you sign leave a message on there so it will leave more of an impact!
i mean is it really a crime to Be compassionate?!
To Love People?!
no ii don't think so!
Kimme. A,K.A. LUMichaelJackson1958
Just seeing how many people Say Michael Jackson Isn't a child molester!
Getting sick of people calling him a child Molester, pedophile ect.. so lets see who thinks Mr. Michael Jackson isn't a pedophile.
Hes Just a Human, like each and everyone of us!
Just because he had those charges don't mean crap!
So If you sign leave a message on there so it will leave more of an impact!
i mean is it really a crime to Be compassionate?!
To Love People?!
no ii don't think so!
Kimme. A,K.A. LUMichaelJackson1958
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