Help Stop Horse Slaughter!

  • av: Crystal Rose
  • mottagare: The people who support horse slaughter, the people who kill the horses, and to the president to stop the horrible act

92% of owners who sell their horse don't even know what awaits their horse. Their horses are secretly put onto a horrible bus tha doesn't shield them from the sun or the intense heat. They are taken on a long journey with no food or water. Once they are there, the abuse begins. The horses are all crammed together, causing them to hurt each other. In fact, some horses don't even last the first trip. After being crammed together, the horses are forced to fight on. They are then abused by the people who work there. They do it for the money. Is money that important to you? Do you ever hesitate when your hurting these poor animals that are in pain and are scared for their lives? They didnt deserve it.. Not one bit. I am ashamed to be called a human being if that's who we are. After being abused, horses obtain awful injuries like broken legs, torn fur, head injures, And torn up flesh. 

They are still forced to fight on. By now, some horses are unable to walk. They are starving and they can only hang their heads in fear and sadness. Imagine in, a horse that used to be so happy now acting as if it never happened.. They are out on another horrible trip. with no shelter from the heat or food and water, they are taken to the slaughter house... At the slaughter house, horses are put into small little metal rooms where they are either shot or stabbed. They are shto in the head, stabbed in the head and neck, and so much more. They slowly die a painful death they didn't deserve.

They are killed for their meat. It's truly a horrible sight and it breaks my heart. If I could rescue each and every horse in pain, I would. Please, help sign this petition to help stop Horse Slaughter in ALL the states. Not just the US. Please, do what's right to save to beautiful animals, so full of fire and love, so they won't ever have to have this nightmare! It only takes one minute to sign. One signature could save a life! 

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