Petition to Save a site of high wildlife value, from development.

  • av: Mike Boulton
  • mottagare: Bath & North East Somerset Council

Petition to save Radstock Railway land a site of great biodiversity value.


Please sign to save this site from development. The photo tells a subtle story. Beneath the beauty that the eye settles on is another world of minute beauties.


This site of 7.6 hectares is a site of importance both for its biodiversity value probably qualifying as a site of European importance if IEEM guidelines for invertebrates are applied.  Natural England has declared the site to be borderline SSSI with SSSI potential.  The site has many red data book and BAP species. Including one, the Buttercup leaf miner that is know nowhere else in Britain and is rare in Europe.


Being former railway land this is a haven on a wildlife corridor.  The old track-bed is now a footpath and cycleway


A planning application to build 210 houses on the site has been submitted by NRR a company set up by BANES the council with which the application is lodged and who are part owners of the site. The leader of the council is a member of the board of NRR. 


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