Support Biodegradable Plastic Packaging And Bags

  • av: carolanne wright
  • mottagare: Grocery and health food retailers across the United States

Every single piece of plastic that has ever been created since the 19th century is still somewhere on the planet today and it’s wreaking havoc with the environment and our health.

Sea life is strangled and poisoned by the sheer amount of plastic that makes it’s way into the ocean. Approximately 4-12 million metric tons of plastic washed offshore in 2010 alone. Scientists predict this amount will double within the next ten years.

Bisphenol A (BPA), a plastic additive, negatively impacts the human endocrine system. It has been linked to a number of disorders, including cancer, diabetes, infertility and obesity. It’s estimated that 93% of Americans have BPA within their bodies.

Plastic also contains DDT and PCB — two extremely toxic chemicals. The health effects of DDT include cancer, male infertility, miscarriages and low birth weight, developmental delay, nervous system and liver damage. PCBs also contribute to cancer and cause disorders of the immune, reproductive, nervous and endocrine systems.

All three toxins leach into both soil and the ocean as the plastic breaks down. Invariably, these poisons end up on our dinner plates.

As retailers, you have tremendous power to reverse this devastating trend by sourcing fully biodegradable products, eliminating single-use plastic bags and providing bulk purchasing options. As consumers, we will seek out products that are housed in biodegradable materials and we will vote with our dollars for responsible packaging. We will no longer tolerate the trashing of the planet, wildlife or our health.

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