These Two Adorable Species Could Go Extinct if President Biden Doesn't Act Now

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: U.S. President Joe Biden
Congress has just tragically denied two more species protections under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The Lesser prairie-chicken and Northern long-eared bat have both experienced dangerous population declines, but anti-wildlife politicians used the Congressional Review Act to block them from being listed under the ESA.

Now, it is up to the President to stand with animals and conservationists everywhere by vetoing the Congressional Review Act.

Sign now to tell President Joe Biden to veto the Congressional Review Act to save these adorable species!

The Lesser prairie-chicken is known for its extravagant mating rituals, which include brilliant jumps in the air, drumming on the ground, and the flashing of its bright orange air sacs. The Northern long-eared bat, on the other hand, can live up to 18 years and is easily identified by its adorable, long, floppy ears.

In the past 20 years, 99% of Northern long-eared bat populations have died off, primarily due to fossil fuel drilling, climate change, habitat loss, and diseases. Meanwhile, Lesser prairie-chickens have faced a population decline of 97%.

But if President Biden doesn't act soon, we could lose both of these species forever.

Sign the petition now to tell President Biden: veto the Congressional Review Act and protect these beloved species before it is too late!
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