Please sign and share this petition nationwide in an effort to get this owner of sled dogs prosecuted severely for his animal abuse and cruelty of the animals. He was originally charge with eight counts of animal cruelty and now the prosecutor wants to just dismiss the charges!! After initially being faced with these charges, this man Mr. MacEachen attempted to make changes for the better but why did it take authorities warnings and charges against him before realizing he should not be treating his animals poorly??
Mr. MacEachen, who ran a dog-sledding business above Snowmass Village was accused by employees of neglecting and abusing the dogs. After the allegations, he denied the allegations and made an attempt to improve the animal's conditions. An investigation led to the seizure of eight of his dogs. However, there was controversy regarding the investigation and seizure because the search warrant was issued without a supporting affidavit that established probable cause to believe Mr. MacEachen had committed a crime ….”
Despite proving that MacEachen was guilty of a misdemeanor in the abuse of the animals, it appears that he could get off of any charges because “The warrant was illegally executed." Eventually, this man was ordered to appear in court on allegations of animal abuse and cruelty. Veterinary statements by the veterinary office can offer justifiable cause and these statements were used to support the search warrant and allegations.
Some of the proof and allegations collaborate that MacEachen allowed the dogs “to be housed in a manner that resulted in chronic or repeated serious physical harm or otherwise attempted to mistreat or neglect, or cause or procure the mistreatment or neglect of an animal." It was the prosecution that added the word "attempt" as an element to reduce the constitutional burden of proof which would deny the accused of a jury trial. “The prosecution cannot constitutionally create offenses not set forth in the statutes of Colorado.”
How could the state of Colorado have such vague animal-cruelty language that would allow abusers like Mr. MacEachen to go free after abusing and mistreating all of his sled dogs. Another part of the language criminalizes “mistreatment” as any and all “pain and suffering” caused or allowed to be caused to an animal, “even if only done negligently, i.e., stepping on a dog’s tail, feeding it late, allowing a child to pull its ear or fur — a virtual certainty.”
It is difficult to uphold the laws against animal abuse like that of Mr. MacEachen when the state stands by and does nothing!! This man kept his dogs in poor conditions, neglect and abused them on a regular basis and the want to set him free!! Please sign and share this petition nationwide in an effort to get this owner of sled dogs prosecuted severely for his animal abuse and cruelty of the animals. He was originally charge with eight counts of animal cruelty and now the prosecutor wants to just dismiss the charges!! After initially being faced with these charges, this man Mr. MacEachen attempted to make changes for the better but why did it take authorities warnings and charges against him before realizing he should not be treating his animals poorly??
Colorado State Legislators - You need to strengthen your animal abuse and cruelty laws and language thereof so that you can protect them and punish abusers like Mr. MacEachen. This guy clearly abused his sled dogs, kept them in horrible conditions and neglected them of proper care. Despite the issues with the search warrant, the fact remains, he is guilty of animal cruelty and needs to be severely punished. Please ensure this man is held accountable for his actions and change your laws and language regarding animal abuse so that you are more effective throughout your state in stopping the cruelty and abuse of animals throughout Colorado. Stop animal pain and suffering!!!
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