Outlaw Declawing in the United States

Imagine having your fingers cut to the knuckle and the extreme pain not only after surgery but also as phantom pain. This procedure also changes how cats walk causing them to no longer be able to walk on their toes. This causes arthritis later in life. The procedure itself can also cause an extra surgery to remove bone fragments. Which would cause the cat to have a never ending feelIng of having "something stuck in your shoe." Cats without claws tend to have litter box issues, back pain and aggression.
Cats need their claws. They need their claws for the very instinctive behavior of scratching and marking their scent. This is a very important behavior of being a cat and a way of communication. No furniture or carpeting is worth this stress on your cat. There are other ways. Get scratching posts and put up double-stick tape or an uncomfortable fabric on the furniture. The uncomfortable fabric or tape is temporary and can be removed after the cat realizes scratching there is uncomfortable. Please help this cause.                  

My source of information was "Total Cat Mojo" by Jackson Galaxy.

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