Animal Testing

  • av: Emily
  • mottagare: Government
Animals have the right to live, what gives humans the right to take that away from them?
I am trying the convert Everett animal testing lab into a non animals testing lab, It is currently the largest animal testing buisness in the u.s. it is currently holding around 2,300 primates, not including the dogs, cat's, rodents, farm animals etc. that they test on. An animal activist claims it is one of the worst facilities for viloation on federal law!
 Everett lab claims that ther is currently no solution that is better then testing on animals. but that is FALSE, There are so many alternatives that are cheaper, humane, and claimed to be more affective.
I plan on sending the petition to the u.s. congress and Everett labs.
Another great way to persuade them to use non animal experiments is to send them emails, call them, or send a letter. I have gotten a phone number and a couple email's, for the best effect and to make sure they get your letter I would send a email to all of them.
For more information or if you would like to help and sign more petition's then go to my website at:

President of Everett Lab's: Everett Felper

Executive vice president: John Girodano

Director of operations: Terry Giordano

Phone number: 973-324-0200
another email is:

Thank you so much for your time! I appreciate every signature!
I have collected many signatures, that show's you how people feel about animal testing, and the Everett lab. There are many other solutions that do nto involve hurting a animal that cannot protect it's self. Animal's have the right to live, what gives you the right to take that away from them?
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