Demand an end to Landlord or Landlady evictions due to pet ownership.

The law should be changed so that Landlords and Landladies cannot refuse to rent to Pet Parents. Pets are members of a family just like sons or daughters. When Landlords/Landladies refuse to admit a pet, it is like refusing to admit a child. Pets die in local animal shelters because of obstinate Landlords and Landladies. People have to give up a pet to a local animal shelter to die for shelter and can't adopt a pet.

This message is a public service of Card Options (

The law should be changed so that Landlords and Landladies cannot refuse to rent to Pet Parents. Pets are members of a family just like sons or daughters. When Landlords/Landladies refuse to admit a pet, it is like refusing to admit a child. Pets die in local animal shelters because of obstinate Landlords and Landladies. People have to give up a pet to a local animal shelter to die for shelter and can't adopt a pet.

This message is a public service of Card Options (

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