OR reviewing delisting the gray wolf
- av: Kae Flack
- mottagare: Senator Merkley and State Rep. Blumenhauer
The OR state biologists are telling OR Fish and Wildlife Commission there is enough information to consider taking the gray wolf off the state endangered species list.
A final decision is not scheduled until August in Salem but the commission is to make the first step in the process when it meets April 24 in Bend.
OR has 77 wolves, descended from animals introduced in Idaho in the '90s. The 76 page status report says "they are projected to increase at a rate of 7% each year and the probability of a population drop is very low". This is only their educated guess.
Even though the rate of wolf attacks on livestock has been low, the OR Cattlemen's Assoc. is pressing the commission to delist wolves since last winter.
At last count, there were seven breeding pairs, six in northeastern OR and one led by the famous OR-7, the wandering male wolf that finally met its mate, in the southern Cascades.
We must fight to continue to keep them on the endangered species list to assure these wolves, who help with the ecosystem, thrive.
Please call you Senator Merkley and your state representatives and request they see that these wolves do not come off the list of endangered species. They may be listed under the House Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources.
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