Demand President Trump Fire Attorney General, Jeff Sessions.

    Demand President Trump Fire Attorney General, Jeff Sessions.

    Jeff Sessions has failed to perform the duties of Attorney General of the United States and as such should be removed from office. Without speculating on the reasons or motives for Attorney Sessions' ongoing torpor, it is easy to point out his chronic dereliction of duty.

    1.) Attorney Sessions has declined to prosecute Lois Lerner, et al, despite her public admission of guilt and the succeeding destruction of evidence.
    2.) Attorney Sessions has declined to prosecute cases of blatant perjury, including the on-camera Congressional falsehood advanced by James Clapper, as well as other officials who served in the previous administration.
    3.) Attorney Sessions has declined to prosecute a single offender in the Obama Administration's domestic spying scandal, perhaps the most far-reaching abuse of public office in United States history.
    4.) Attorney Sessions has failed to prosecute a single offender in the serial espionage that plagued the Clinton State Department.
    5.) Attorney Sessions has failed to prosecute a single offender in what might be called the Russian/Uranium scandal.
    6.) Attorney Sessions has failed to prosecute a single offender in the serial influence peddling that plagued the Clinton State Department.
    7.) Attorney Sessions has failed to ask for Special Counsel Robert Mueller's resignation, despite Mueller's many conflicts of interest.
    8.) In summary, Attorney Sessions has displayed an unwillingness to prosecute any political insider, any member of America's ruling class, any member of the privileged Washington establishment regardless of the volume or severity of criminal activity or the flagrant disregard for our rule of law. The values of Jeff Sessions are clearly inconsistent with the professed values of candidate Donald Trump, the professed values of President Donald Trump, the values of the voters who elected Donald Trump, traditional American values, as well as the rule of law.

    For the ongoing callous dereliction of duty displayed by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, we, the undersigned, petition President Donald Trump demand his immediate resignation.
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