Bindi Irwin, Please Step Down as SeaWorld Ambassador

Dear Ms. Bindi Irwin,

I am writing to urge you to take all necessary steps to step down as SeaWorld Youth Ambassador.

The recent documentaries Blackfish and The Cove show just how unethical it is to put wonderful creatures like orcas and dolphins into captivity and to tear them away from their mothers and families.

SeaWorld deprives these animals of their freedom. Orcas and dolphins can swim up to 100 miles a day. At SeaWorld, they are confined in concrete tanks that, to them, are the size of a bathtub. They can only swim around and around in circles in chlorine-filled water that irritates their eyes so much that they can go blind; the many chemicals in the water can make their their skin peel off. Keepers feed them dead fish.

Orcas in captivity can also suffer from collapsed dorsal fins-- usually a sign of poor health -- very likely because they don't have enough space in order to swim freely. They gnaw on steel bars trying to get out and end up breaking their teeth from anxiety and stress.

This is no way for these wonderful creatures to live. In the wild, orcas can live an estimated maximum life span of 60 to 70 years. But if they are in captivity most will never make it even close to these ages.

Most dolphins that are captured alive -- too many die in the process -- are bought by SeaWorld and other "marine parks" like it for thousands of dollars. .

Ms. Irwin, please educate yourself about what happens in order for SeaWorld to purchase wonderful creatures like orcas and dolphins. I do believe your father would not want you to participate in such cruelty and I am sure that you do not want to be a part of this either. Please reconsider your offer to be SeaWorld's new Ambassador. Do it for the animals.

Yours truly,

A concerned citizen

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