Save Lily: Roadside zoo must surrender its animals to reputable sanctuaries.

Deer Haven Mini Zoo is a roadside zoo in Keymar, Maryland, with deplorable conditions. Deer Haven's featured attraction is a young Asian black bear named Lily who's confined to a tiny, barren cage with nothing to do and no way to escape the heat and humidity. There is also a pig who appears to have an injured hind leg and struggles to walk.

PETA has offered to place Lily and the other animals in reputable sanctuaries at no cost to the roadside zoo, but its owners have refused to do what's right.

Please urge this horrible faility to surrender the animals and close its doors.

Uppdatera #28 år sedan
Lily is now officially on her trip to her new home just outside of Denver. The vets found her in good health, a bit fat, something she will lose in her new 20 acre home. There are a few other exotic animals that we will work to gain access to, but once they are gone, the zoo will only contain animals one would find on any typical farm. For those who would like to help those who did the rescue, they can send a donation to the Wild Animal Sanctuary -
Uppdatera #18 år sedan
Hi and thanks for signing! Good news, Lily is in the process of being transferred to a refuge in Colorado - the owners are working with a very reputable local vet and are hoping to transfer her next week. The cougar was transferred to an Exotic Animal Rescue on Tuesday and will be soon on his way west to a safe refuge.
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