Support Passage of the PAWS Act Protecting Women & Animals From Abuse

  • av: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: Members of Congress

The PAWS Act is known as the Pet and Women Safety Act, one that needs to be addressed by legislation and Congress.  The ASPCA hosted a briefing on Capitol Hill that highlighted the need for Congress to pass the PAWS Act, with evidence that there is a strong link between domestic violence and animal cruelty. Numerous abusers use an animal as a pawn, committing or threatening to commit violence on it as a way to control or intimidate the victims.

As a result of such threats, victims often stay in abusive situations to save their pets or leave them behind to get harmed or killed.  The PAWS Act would allow victims to be protected by a federal grant to safely house their pets, get necessary cost for vet care in case of abuse and keep both the victim and their pets together and out of harms' way.

Our efforts in this petition is to ensure that the members of Congress pass legislation in favor of the PAWS Act.  You can help us in our efforts by signing and sharing this petition to protect women of domestic abuse and the pets they love and cherish.

Members of Congress – We are strongly encouraging you to pass legislation in favor of the PAWS Act that would protect women of domestic violence and their loving pets that are often targets of their abusers.  Please stop these horrendous acts and ensure that the PAWS Act is passed and implemented for the safety of women and their animals.

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