Investigate Broadweave and Mayor Billing

Our goal is to obtain enough signatures to bring attention to the Attorney General of Utah concerning the fiber network purchased by Broadweave from Provo City. Insiders have reported mishandling of funds, improper security measures, major accounting errors, incorrect billing procedures, contract breeches, hostile working environments, unethical business practices, and an overall attempt to rob the people of Provo of their resources. The Attorney General needs to open an independent investigation regarding Mayor Billing, his involvement, Broadweave's actions and business practices, and other individuals that may have effectively threatened illegal activity towards competitors such as Mstar.
Mr. Shurtleff,
           We would like to bring to your attention the improper dealings that are taking place in Provo, Utah. Broadweave Networks recently purchased the city's fiber to premises network. They are operating on the city bond. They have missed November's payment and to supplement this, the city accepted Broadweave stock. This seam's very concerning. Also, ex employees of Broadweave report mishandling of funds, hostile work environments, sexual harassment, incorrect billing of non existent customers, improper handling of employees health benefits,  poor security systems putting critical customer information at risk. This would include but is not limited to the fraudulent long distance issues Broadweave just encountered that cost over $120,000. We also have unconfirmed information that may suggest certain key players made threats to Chicago Venture in order to have Mstar back down from the bidding process. We believe this ties back to Mayor Billing. We are concerned citizens and are extremely fearful that Broadweave will lose the network, and then leave the citizens of Provo City holding the bill and a bunch of worthless stock. All of this while the key players take the money and run. Please intervene now. We ask that you start a full investigation into Broadweave's finaces, Mayor Billing's involvement, Frasier Bullock's involvement, who and what was threateded at Chicago Venture, why Provo City is accepting useless stock as a security deposit on the network, the unchecked sexual harrasment charges at Broadweave, the hostile work enviroment at Broadweave, and the lack of proper handling of employee benefits.  All of this and more will put the tax payers of Provo City at a huge finacial risk. Our community deserves protection. In these tough times, we need to trust that our elected officials will properly represent us and handle these matters. Please Mr. Shurtleff investigate these issues, protect Provo's citizens. Find the truth and impose justice before it is too late. We appreciate your time and efforts in these matters and will look forward to seeing action from your office.

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