Talking of my own place, India, also, where spoken English and its proficiency together is required everywhere. A child, who has/had been a long in English Medium School in my country, can how far be proved to be a fluent speaker on the native language ? Thus, everywhere- it lies only a question how far we are capable on speaking skill of this foreign native language? Where lies its problems? What is the root cause of it? How can it be solved? Let's come, therefore, in together in forefront to help our generation and unborn eyes in the present hollow society we do live in : now. It is noteworthy to be remembered well that we are for the society, of the society and by the society. Our one step at present even can amend the future, I hope that. [ http://chng.it/p6Rv9Dp8vz ]

# https://g.co/kgs/ZiVkMp

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