Tell the Juarez government to release Benito the giraffe!

A three-year-old giraffe named Benito is being kept in inhumane conditions at a park in Juarez, Mexico, where he has no access to grass, clean water, or even any shade. Animal rights activists have found a new home for him in the United States where he will be well cared for — but we need the Juarez state government to release him!

The state previously had another giraffe, Modesto, who died tragically after being mistreated and neglected by the park authorities.

Free Benito!

They clearly don't know how to properly take care of a giraffe and seem to have no inclination to learn, which is why it's vital that we rescue Benito before he meets the same grisly fate!

A home awaits him in Texas, where Benito will have over 360 acres of trees and grass to frolic in and live a happy giraffe life on a ranch owned by an animal lover. Please sign the petition and demand that the state of Juarez let Benito go!

Tell the Juarez government to release Benito the giraffe!

Signera petitionen
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