• av: Robin Abbott
  • mottagare: The politicians of Victoria and British Columbia, The Office of the Auditor General of Canada / Fisheries and Oceans Canada

The good citizens of Greater Victoria produce an average of 129 million litres of raw sewage. The Capital Regional District, which controls the local water and sewage system, dumps that waste into the Strait of Juan de Fuca through underwater outfall pipes.

The Strait of Juan de Fuca is a large body of water about 95 miles long that is the Salish Sea outlet to the Pacific Ocean. The international boundary between the United States and Canada runs down the center of the Strait.

Nature can handle feces and urine what it cannot handle is all the toxins we put in our bodies that end up in our feces and urine such as birth control, Viagra, antidepressants, hormones and not to mention all the illegal drugs humans love to consume.  It all is eliminated through your bodily waste.  In Victoria, British Columbia, Canada the sewage is pumped directly into the ocean with not a care in the world.  Bleach, Mr. Clean, Tide, Draino the list goes on and on of what is poured down peoples drains and toilets with no concern for the environment or ocean that all of this is going into untreated.

Tell the politicians of Victoria, British Columbia and the the politicians of British Columbia to get their act together and stop polluting our pristine coast.

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