ebay is allowing their clients to sell thousands of butterflies on its website, contributing to the destruction of numerous butterfly habitats and the killing of the rarest and most precious butterflies. These specimens are sometimes sold for thousands of dollars each. This activity on ebay has become a very profitable business for many Asian sellers, including those from China. These butterflies are poached from Costa Rica, Vietnam, China, and so on, for free and then sold in bags of 100 to 500 specimens. Some sellers pull the wings out and sell them by the thousands. How many other thousands are destroyed during the sellers' hunt for the most precious species? Why is ebay becoming a haven for sellers of butterflies, monkey coats, spotted fur coats like lynx and Antarctic foxes, turtles, and sometimes even ivory? ebay establishes rules, but they are unenforced. The international community is attempting to prevent the poaching and destruction of wildlife throughout the world while ebay, a US corporation, has become an open market for illegal, banned goods. Please check some of the items to see how profitable this illegal business is: 310612700157, 310612714086, 251403002900, 321335850229. There are hundreds of sellers, destroying millions of butterflies and their habitat with EBAY's help!
Uppdatera #210 år sedan
Hi, Thank you! However, millions of butterflies are destroyed as well as their habitat for profit. The same sellers are selling other wildlife like turtles, bats (390806665229) As long as EBAY allows the selling of wildlife, wild animals on its site, poachers will kill even more for profit! I could not believe it, but African Lions are listed for sale: 251503705725, 221416469954 and so on! Please ask EBAY to stop!
Uppdatera #110 år sedan
Thank you to all the signers on this petition. However, EBAY continues to let Sellers list their poached butterflies, it is painful to watch bags of hundreds of butterflies for sale, pulled out wings sold by hundreds, the most unique and rare specimens of the butterflies are killed and sold for thousands of dollars. And the sad part is that we cannot do anything. Please continue to report the sale of wildlife, every listing has a "report item" , may we will get something done. Thank you.