Charge Dr. Oz for killing and cruelly abusing hundreds of dogs!

  • av: OD Action
  • mottagare: Department of Justice

A new review of the "studies" led by Republican Senate candidate Dr. Oz during his time at Columbia University exposed a horrifying secret. It appears that the snake oil-selling New Jerseyite killed over a thousand animals in the name of "science," including an entire litter of puppies and 300 more dogs.

The gruesome details are gut-wrenching to read. During one experiment, a litter of puppies was allegedly killed by "intracardiac injection with syringes of expired drugs inserted in their hearts without any sedation. Upon being killed, the puppies were allegedly left in a garbage bag with living puppies who were their littermates."

Make Dr. Oz pay for his cruelty to innocent animals!

In another display of shocking sadism, a dog experimented on by Oz's team reportedly experienced lethargy, vomiting, paralysis, and kidney failure, but wasn't euthanized for a full two days.

It appears that Columbia University helped cover up the appalling treatment of animals and paid just a $2,000 fine for violating the Animal Welfare Act. But Dr. Oz needs to face real consequences for the heinous actions of his research team. He belongs in a jail cell, not the US Senate.

Charge Dr. Oz for killing and cruelly abusing hundreds of dogs!

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