Tell Dubai to Stop Hunting Endangered Sharks

  • av: Animal Advocates
  • mottagare: United Arab Emirates Minister of Environment and Water

Dubai, (located in the southeast of the Persian Gulf on the Arabian Peninsula), is continuing to sell rare and endangered sharks at Deira fish market despite a ban by an international treaty.

The sharks, and shark fins include smooth hammerheads, bigeye threshers, common threshers and a mako, all of which the International Union for Conservation of Nature lists as threatened. Also found were common blacktips, hardnose sharks, a spinner shark and fins from a whale shark.


In one visit, 140 sharks were found. Some of the sharks that were not finned, were found to be pregnant- particularly alarming since bays often serve as nurserys to sharks, and depending on the fishing method, many juvinille sharks may be by-catch.

We ask that the United Arab Emirates Minister stop the hunting of endangered sharks and enforce the international trade ban on shark fins that are used to make shark fin soup, an Asian delicacy.

United Arab Emirates Minister of Environment and Water
His Exellency Dr. Rashid Ahmed Bin Fahad
Tel: 971 04 2148444
Fax: 971 04 2655822

Dubai, (located in the southeast of the Persian Gulf on the Arabian Peninsula), is continuing to sell rare and endangered sharks at Deira fish market despite a ban by an international treaty.

The sharks, and shark fins include smooth hammerheads, bigeye threshers, common threshers and a mako, all of which the International Union for Conservation of Nature lists as threatened. Also found were common blacktips, hardnose sharks, a spinner shark and fins from a whale shark.


In one visit, 140 sharks were found. Some of the sharks that were not finned, were found to be pregnant- particularly alarming since bays often serve as nurserys to sharks, and depending on the fishing method, many juvinille sharks may be by-catch.

We ask that the United Arab Emirates Minister stop the hunting of endangered sharks and enforce the international trade ban on shark fins that are used to make shark fin soup, an Asian delicacy.

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