Early this morning our beloved family pet was hit by a vehicle and left bleeding to death on the side of the road. Despite past attempts contacting police and council to have speed cameras and speed bumps put in the road they have rejected my request.

    In this petition I would like the support of kind people who can sign for this animals justice. She was rescued 7 years ago from a bad situation being a fight dog for gangs and her journey the past 7 years learning to love and trust has been a beautiful experience for everyone to be an animal that once attacked and killed cats only to find love for them and protect them.

    In this petition I request that the mayor of Te Aroha township or the matamata piako district council place a speed bump outside the house and a further speed camera at a different location of Gould Road. Over 50 pets have been killed on this road in the past year and something is long overdue to be done
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