Please Allow 88 Year-Old, Dr. Carrol Frazier Landrum, to keep his Mississippi medical license

The Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure has asked 88-year-old Dr. Carrol Frazier Landrum to surrender his medical license or face a hearing.

The State is threatening to take his license for working out of his automobile in order to treat the needy/indigent in Edwards, MS ---These are poor or disabled people who aren't able to travel to seek medical attention and would not receive treatment otherwise.

For more information, see the local Mississippi news.

Shame on you for threatening the license of Dr. Landrum for doing what he needs to do to treat his patients. Instead of harassing him, you should be giving him an award. Many of the needy and indigent he cares for would be in unable to receive medical attention without his work. Please allow Dr. Landrum to continue to provide medical care for his patients from his car.
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