Investigate Kitten Buried Alive in Concrete!

A kitten was recently found half-buried alive in front of the home of a former Latter Day Saints (LDS) Church member in Colorado City, Arizona. Andrew Chatwin, another former LDS member, found and rescued the kitten, but the animal died a few days later at an animal sanctuary.

Chatwin claims that animal killings and threats have been going on for years as a way to intimidate former LDS members who have spoken against the Church. He also claims that city sheriffs scoffed at him when he reported the animal abuse and did not take the act seriously. He hints that non LDS members are denied protection from the police.

The case of the live kitten buried in concrete must be taken seriously. The cruel act was frightening and disturbing to the community and caused great pain and suffering to the abused kitten. Please sign the petition to urge Colorado City sheriffs to thoroughly and seriously investigate the case.

Dear Colorado City Sheriffs,

We, the undersigned, were disturbed to hear that a live kitten was recently found half-buried alive in front of the home of a former Latter Day Saints (LDS) Church member in Colorado City, Arizona. Andrew Chatwin, another former LDS member, found and rescued the kitten, but the animal died a few days later at an animal sanctuary.

Chatwin claims that animal killings and threats have been going on for years as a way to intimidate former LDS members who have spoken against the Church. He also claims that city sheriffs scoffed at him when he reported the animal abuse and did not take the act seriously. He hints that non LDS members are denied protection from the police. We hope that these allegations are untrue, as we believe that all citizens, regardless of religious affiliation, should be treated equally under the law.

The case of the live kitten buried in concrete must be taken seriously. The cruel act was frightening and disturbing to the community and caused great pain and suffering to the abused kitten. We urge you to thoroughly and seriously investigate the case so that the guilty parties may be brought to justice. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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