Demand Congress codify abortion access NOW

This is horrific – a far-right Trump-nominated federal judge in Texas could soon outlaw the abortion pill in all 50 states. To make matters worse, it's likely that higher courts, including the Supreme Court, won't stop him.

We're seeing the consequences of the extremist Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade play out in states across the country – and it's terrifying. This move would seriously disrupt reproductive care throughout the country.

It's been 23 years since the FDA approved the abortion pill and now a majority of American patients terminate their pregnancies with pills rather than by undergoing a procedure at a clinic. These pills are safe, reliable, and easy to access. We must fight to ensure they stay that way.

The only surefire way to protect the right to a safe and legal abortion is to codify abortion rights into law. It's time to raise our voices. Sign now to demand Congress codify abortion rights into law >>

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