Newfoundland must end the commercial seal slaughter!

  • av: Naomi Dreyer
  • mottagare: Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the Canadian Privy Council

In Newfoundland, once newborn seals have shed their white coats, they will be slaughtered for their fur.
The Canadian government still authorizes the cruel slaughter of hundreds of thousands of seals each year—and tax dollars are even used to finance the purchase of seal pelts
Global markets for seal products are closing fast. The United States, the 28-nation European Union, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Mexico have all prohibited trade in products of commercial seal hunts. Today, the slaughter only continues because of government subsidies, despite the fact that the majority of Canadians, like most people around the world, want the seal hunt to end.
Now there is a solution to end the slaughter once and for all — a federal sealing industry buyout. This plan involves the Canadian federal government ending the seal hunt, compensating fishermen for their sealing licenses and developing economic alternatives in the communities involved.
Please help move Canada beyond commercial sealing by supporting a federal sealing industry buyout -- a plan already supported by half of Newfoundland sealers.

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