We Support the Homeowner Bill of Rights!

Sometimes it seems like banks can't WAIT to put people out of their homes, leaving a carnage of abandoned houses that pull down values all over the remaining neighborhood. And some of those banks have been caught red handed doing things like filing irregular paperwork to speed up the process of foreclosure even as owners struggle to modify their loans.

California Attorney General Kamala Harris says it has to stop. She is lobbying for a homeowner bill of rights that will curtail predatory lending and precipitous foreclosures.

Kamala described California families and communities as "devastated by the foreclosure crisis," according to a recent Huffington Post article. "We must ensure the deceptive practices that caused it will never happen again," she added.

Tell California legislators to sign the homeowner bill of rights into law. 
We the undersigned have lost our homes or have seen the value of our homes plunge or have friends who have suffered because of irresponsible lending practices. Few Americans can say they have not been hurt by the foreclosure crisis. The construction business is at a stand still along with all the small businesses--carpentry, plumbing, electrical--that support construction. Americans are stuck in homes that are now worth half of what they borrowed to buy them. The time is right for the home owner bill of rights, and you know it. Do the right thing and sign this bill into law. 
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