Stop Puppy Mills in Wisconsin

  • av: Ingrid Beth Marx
  • mottagare: Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle and Wisconsin Legislature
We, the undersigned, repectifully request Governor Doyle and the Wisconsin Legislature to actively pursue legislation to LICENCE, INSPECT and SET STANDARDS of HUMANE CARE for pet animals, such as dogs, bred and sold in Wisconsin.

Further, as consumers and concerned citizens, we believe that pet animals, such as dogs, are NOT "agricultural products". We believe they require standards of care that are specifically suited for their species and breed. Those standards must include socialization and proper housing, exercise, food, water and vetrinary care. PLEASE HELP STOP the Puppy Mill Industry that is growing fast here in Wisconsin.

The poor treatment and abysmal conditions of dogs in WI puppy mills is already well documented. We need legislation to improve and regulate commercial kennels. We would like to require:

doubling the cage size

veterinarian visits at least once per year and with each pregnancy

access to outdoor excercise areas

and many more provisions for health and well being of dogs

This petition (a plea for help) is based on the PA petition submitted by the ASPCA and also based on a petition written by the Wisconsin Puppymill Project, Inc.
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