Gray Wolves In Oregon Were Brutally Poisoned, And Authorities Still Haven’t Found The Perpetrator

Gray wolves are smart, charismatic animals, with massive ranges in the wild and devoted relationships with members of their pack. But beginning in February of this year, Oregon State Police Fish and Wildlife Division Troopers began finding the bodies of wolves poisoned – one after another -- until their last discovery of a dead female in July. A total of 8 of these majestic wild animals were killed, and the killer is still on the loose.

Sign now to tell the Oregon State Police to dedicate all their efforts towards finding whoever committed such a terrible crime!

Poisoning wildlife is a serious crime, but like so many violent acts committed against animals, cases with non-human victims tend to receive much less attention. We cannot allow that to happen in this case! 

Ex-president Trump stripped gray wolves of their Endangered Species Act protections, meaning that they are already less protected than they were just a few years ago. Every single loss of animal life is devastating, especially species whose populations are no longer federally managed or protected.

A number of amazing organizations have stepped up to offer a combined $40,000 reward for anyone who provides information which leads to the conviction of the perpetrator. It is more important than ever that local police keep putting pressure on this case to find the perpetrator and hold them responsible. This cannot just be another instance of animal abuse where the criminals are never found. Non-human victims deserve justice, too! Sign now if you agree!

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