Save This Cat Librarian From Being Removed From His Home!

Browser is a beloved cat who lives in a library in the town of White Settlement, Texas, just outside Forth Worth. According to the library president, children love to pick out books to read to him, and he never interferes with the yarn used during her Tuesday knitting class. He's regularly featured on the library's Instagram feed. People come in to look for him, and he's become part of the family. He's a sweet and gentle creature who's made his home in the quiet confines of the library.

But that could all change, as City Council recently voted to evict Browser from the library.

Please sign the petition to urge the City Council to reverse its decision!

Browser isn't hurting anyone, and the library is his home. There have been no reported complaints of allergies or any other cat-related issue. This sweet cat is being forced into an unfamiliar new home over a total non-issue.

Sign now to tell City Council to find an actual problem to work on -- don't evict Browser the cat librarian!
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