No High-Speed Rail in the Lake View Terrace to Tujunga National Forest Area of CA

  • av: Gail Carlson
  • mottagare: High Speed Rail Authority Program to tunnel the Angeles National Forest area

It is unsafe, cost prohibitive and ecologically irreplacable. We are totally against tunneling through Little Tujunga or Big Tujunga Canyons!

Yet after a large outcry from the communities along the (14) freeway opposed the original high speed rail route, an new one was proposed.

The new alternate route for the Palmdale to Burbank portion of the California High-Speed rail project is through the San Gabriel Mountains. The original route proposed in 2007 follows the 14 Freeway through Agua Dulce and Santa Clarita. (Source: California High-Speed Rail Authority)

This is unacceptable to the communities of Sunland, Tujunga, Shadow Hills, Lakeview Terrace and Sylmar. Geologically and enviromentally this train route would permanently destroy numerous endangered animals habitats, plants, equestrial trails, and home values of the property owners in the communities mentioned above.

We, the undersigned, registered, qualified voters of California, residents of Los Angeles hereby propose rejection of the High Speed Rail Authority drilling through or under the Angeles National Forest. We petition this to  the California Secretary of State to submit the same to the voters of Los Angeles or the State of California for their adoption or rejection at the next succeeding general election, or at any special statewide election held prior to that general election or otherwise provided by law.

The proposed  amendments read as follows: We  the undersigned are against the new, alternate High Speed Rail route from the Palmdale to Burbank portion through the San Gabriel Mountains. We support the original route proposed in 2007 follows the 14 Freeway through Agua Dulce. We are going to fight this as far as we can to make the only reasonable route for High Speed Rail in this area built along the (5) and (14) freeways as originally planned.

Uppdatera #210 år sedan
Guess what? We have hit over 1,000 signatures! Yes it is great!
Uppdatera #110 år sedan
We need more signatures, we are over 440, but we need to keep sharing this and get over 1,000!
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