"Photo Editing Requests: Why We Should Ban Them (Even Though It’s Not Against the Rules)"

    You’re in this awesome group dedicated to smartphone photography—where people share their amazing, naturally stunning pictures taken with their phones. You know, breathtaking sunsets, perfectly framed street shots, pets that look like they’re posing for Vogue. All the good stuff!

    But then—the horror—people start showing up asking for photo edits: "Can someone EDIT my photo?" "Can you make my sunset pop more?" "Can you make me look 20 years younger?" And with each request, your heart sinks a little more. This is a group for showcasing amazing photography, not turning every picture into a digital art project!

    The worst part? The requests aren't breaking any rules. People are just trying to enhance their photos, which makes them feel like they're being helpful. But to you? It’s sacrilege. You came to see raw beauty, untainted by filters, and you’re not here for people who don’t know how to take a decent shot without tweaking it.

    It’s like going to an art gallery and finding someone in the back corner, spray-painting over every masterpiece.

    The Complete Ban on Digital Images! Yes, you read that right. No more photos, no more "Bewerk!" The solution to stopping the requests? We must implement a complete, total ban on images in the group. And not just photos—no more emojis, no more GIFs, no more screenshots of memes, and for the love of all things holy, no more edit photos!
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