Boycott travel to Alaska

  • av: Helen C
  • mottagare: Governor Bill Walker and Alaskan legislators
President Trump recently signed H.J. Res.69, which lifted Obama-era restrictions protecting bears, wolves, and other predators on national preserves in Alaska. It allows "predator control" tactics such as gassing dens during hibernation, aerial hunting, and the use of steel-jaw traps and snares.
The main issue behind this bill was about state vs. federal wildlife management control, and creates a serious issue if concern about the protection and welfare if wildlife in federal lands in the future. The bill was widely supported by the NRA, as well as several hunting guide organizations. It ignores scientific research on predator/prey interaction and sustainability.
Tourism brings $2.42 BILLION and 38,700 jobs to Alaska annually. By boycotting travel to Alaska, the message that most Americans deplore this cruel, in humane, and unsportsmanlike attack on wildlife on lands that belong to ALL Americans.
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